I have memories of this show going to back to the time that I was a little girl, when I was sleeping upstairs the first time around (so before 1984 I think.) We would watch it as a family on Friday nights. I remember my dad laughing at the car chases and the sound the car made before it would do a jump. I also remember the theme to "Dallas" that would follow after the Dukes were over. Mom and Dad would say it was time for bed. Later I found out that they would put us to bed and then go downstairs to watch Dallas.
About 4 or 5 years ago one of my brothers got one of the season's on DVD. It also was airring on tv in the evenings. Jim and I got into the habit of watching it together it in the evening. Sometimes when he drives kind of wild I will remark that he is driving like Bo Duke. Or he will suddenly push on the accelator and our truck will make that lunging noise and I will say it sounds like the dukes before they did a jump.
In fact I was watching the Dukes at the hospital while I was in labor with Parker. I remember my laughing was throwing the monitors off because my belly would jiggle and the device would slide.
We have introduced the Dukes to our boys. Parker enjoys watching it. Parker is a tv junkie, so he doesn't say a whole lot while he watches tv. But it keeps his attention. Preston says "lights" everytime he sees the sherifs car. Now I don't care to watch the same episode over and over like Parker does. I think it might be timet o switch the DVD.
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