Jim asked Parker if he wanted to be a cat, a bat or a rat for Halloween. Parker selected a bat. I bought him some ears, but of course they were played with before the big night and could not be found on the big night. He wore black with a homemade black felt wings.
Now to explain a little more about the picture. Each day includes many times going over the itinerary of the days events. He knew this was the night to dress up. We had to run an errand about 3 in the afternoon, the perfect time that always makes Parker sleepy in the car. Ahhh sleep, that will have to be another blog entry. So he falls asleep and I decided he couldn't sleep through Trick or treat night so we woke him. This was the result--- He was not a happy camper. Not sure it was worth it to wake him up.
Preston saw the camera out and wanted his picture taken too.
In our area we are actually assigned a time to go trick or treating. It is always the last Thursday of the month of October from 6-8 pm. We follow the schedule of Tyrone and they follow the schedule of Altoona. Jim and I believe this is done to cut down on the amount of mischief that teenagers can get into on Trick or treat night.
Being the small town that it is, it is a social event as well. Not only are you getting candy, but folks will say come in and want to chat a little while (all the time that you are losing time to get more candy) We only went to the neighbors that we know and the old ladies from the fire hall. The church down the road also offered some treats. Our neighbors don't get many trick or treaters so they would often give us double candy (and candy for Preston and Mom) so that they wouldn't eat it themselves. There aren't many young folks in our area, and if there are I think they head to the developed areas to get more candy.
Yes I dressed up too. I love Halloween and am still a kid at heart for this holiday. I sported my cap and gown from WVU. My flapper costume isn't real warm and I had too many interuptions to get one that I had been sewing on for awhile. We had extra fabric from the bat wings, so preston got a cape too.
The first couple of houses Parker was not a happy camper, but after about the 3rd one he was catching on and couldn't wait to get to the next house for more sweets.
By the way we still have Halloween candy left. Jim and I picked through for the good stuff and then were rationing it out for Parker. Then I put it in the closet and well out of sight out of mind, plus it is getting picked over. Maybe I need to reward some good behaviour with a treat.
1 comment:
It's so great to see you have a blog now! Thanks for the invite...I'll be following!
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