We love animals and wanted to take the boys to the zoo. Jim was real busy with work during the summer months, so the first available date was the last week of October. We stayed with some friends in Fredricksburg (thanks John and Rachelle) and combined it with a trip to the temple and IKEA. I think we picked the coldest day to go to the zoo. I only packed light jackets and even I was cold by the end.( I tend to run hot blooded in case you didn't know)

Parker's favorite exhibit was the pandas. We couldn't see them from outside, but the exhibit has an indoor feature. There happened to be a volunteer inside that taught us a lot of information about the panda. You could see them inside and one of them kept running from room to room.

Towards the end of the trip we realized we hadn't taken many pictures. This was a mosiac in front of the visitor's center that we posed for a picture. There were no passerby's at the time to take a family picture, so I posed with the boys.

Jim wanted it to look like the man was whispering in his ear, too bad I didn't situate him just right to capture that on film.

Jim's turn with the boys. I should probably add that we got see the elephants being fed. We also got a little lesson on the elephants, but I don't recall a whole lot as I am writing this.

The birds have their own house. I snapped this pictures. We also saw flamingos outside. That seemed to catch the attention of both boys.
By the end of the trip we had 2 tired boys and 2 tired parents as well. It was a fun day. We love the zoo. We were sad not to see any giraffes. Can't wait until it warms up to go again.
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