Our fire department has a pot luck Christmas party each year. The Ladies Auxiliary get the names and ages of all the kids that will be attending and then purchases a small gift from Santa for each child. Our boys were very excited to see Santa and even willing to sit on his lap.
A tradition that we have started is everyone gets new pajamas for Christmas Eve. However our boys were wore out from the festivities earlier in the day and fell asleep in the car on the ride home. Buzz light year for Parker, Lightening McQueen for Preston, something pink for Mom and something plaid for Dad.
We had an enjoyable day to our selves. I made a nice meal, the boys played with their new toys.
After Christmas, I had volunteered to dog sit Emily the poodle for a friend. We were very excited to have her visit for a week while her owners were out of town. It took her a few days to for us to get used to her and her used to us. We enjoyed having her. She loved me. She followed me everywhere I went.
A new tradition we have started is taking the boys to see the lights at Lakefront Park. They take the amusement park and let local businesses decorate a spot with lights. It is kind of commercialized (everyone has their name in there somewhere), but the boys really enjoy it. This year we included Aunt Rebecca, Grandma, Aunt Courtney and the cousins to come with us. We met for dinner at Applebees, followed by a train ride at the mall, then the lights and train museum. We had a fun time and hope to be able to do it again next year.
During Christmas break we took the boys bowling. They had so much fun and have been asking since to go again. The place we went to was really child friendly. They had a ramp that kids could use to launch the ball and plenty of light weight balls for the younger crowd. The only downside, it seemed to take forever to bowl 1 game. We wanted the bumpers, but they were busy that night and not available.
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