So we took Preston to his 18 month well visit in the beginning of Jan. The doctor asks us what words Preston is using. I could only come up with 5 (Mom, Dad, kitty, no, hello). My doctor is so nice he would never come out and say your kid is dumb or slow. He said ok he is coming around. They are supposed be using about 10. He said the goal would be for Preston to be using 20 by his 2nd birthday. If he is not too that point, then he may suggest speech therapy. Up until this point (18 months) Preston had showed little interest in reading books either.
I come home and decide to try to introduce short lift the tab books or touch and feel books to Preston and encouraging him to speak. Well he has literally taken off. Here is a list of words that Preston can use at 20 months. (March 1)
1. Mom
2. Dad
3. Kitty
4. Dog
5. Woof
6. Quack
7. Mine
8. No
9. Hello
10. Pee
11. Nose
12. Cheerio
13. Cracker
14. Baby (he thinks that is his name)
15. More
16. Shoe
17. Ball
18. Snap
This is what is coming to my mind. He will also bring books from the shelf to you. He points to what he wants if he can't say it. And is starting to understand things like diaper change. This is always followed by "no" and running in the opposite direction. Another one is when Parker takes a toy he shouts "mine". Oh and when he wants to say "yes" he will get this sweet look on his face. His eyes light up and he shakes his head up and down. So precious.
Jim and I were worried about him because he didn't take to books like his brother had. At this age Parker was already sitting still for books like the Cat in the Hat. I think we are making progress.
Man could he look anymore like jim?
aren't their little brains amazing? Way to go with all the words!
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