January 02, 2011


I have been selling Pampered Chef for 4 years now. Each year they have a conference for the Pampered Chef in Chicago. The first 2 years I was unable to go due to Mommy duties. I now look forward to this little break in Chicago each summer.

Pampered Chef has their headquarters in Chicago, so we go to them each year. It is a great opportunity to meet others in the business and see how they do their business. It is also a chance to see the bigger possibility and see others be recognized for their work.

I am a country girl and have not been out much, so was a little nervous to go to Chicago, the 3rd largest city in the US. However after having visiting there and seeing it is a beautiful and clean city I have changed my tune. This past year I even ventured out on my own.

Chicago is known for its deep dish pizza. I talked the ladies in my group to trying it. I think I will stick to traditional pizza next time. There was so much cheese on the inside.

I went shopping with my friend Kathy and met the silver guy. Come to find out he makes his living by dressing like this everyday and gets tips from passerby's like me.
I took a boat tour of the city and loved learning some of the history of Chicago.
At the conference itself there was opportunity to see the new products, go to classes to learn how to be a better business woman. Plus the chance to converse with consultants all over the US to hear what works for their business. Pampered Chef rewards their consultants that work hard by taking them on a trip. This years trip was for Hawaii. Here I am with the girls I traveled with.

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