An annual event for us is Ag Progress Days. They are located 15 minutes from my house. This year we went by ourselves. It was just a busy time for anyone to come and go with us.
There are certain stops that we make each year. The corn maze that is full of agricultural facts.

The food is another reason to go. Some of PA's best. Here is the Hatfield Pig. I am often switching purses and bags. Sometimes I throw my wallet into the diaper bag to simplify. When I went to look for my wallet, I couldn't find it. I was so sad. And then to tell my hungry boys, I am sorry Mommy forgot her wallet and doesn't have any money. I called Jim, but he was busy at work and the drive from work to give me some cash would have taken too long. I did get lucky and the beekeeper's associate would take a check. So we at least got some honey ice cream.

Speaking of ice cream, I think this is the size my husband needs.

We went to see the horses. Here was Parker's response to the Percheron's we saw, "Mommy that one is a boy." Yes he sure is.

At this tent, the dairy princess was handing out cold samples of chocolate milk. Even I had to have one of those. I just loved this saying...

We finished up with a peddle go-cart ride for Parker. No tractor peddle pull. I was so disappointed. It was the first place I went.
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