I know I have been busy playing catch up. It is actually kind of fun writing about the fun things we did during the summer while it is cold and gray outside.
Most of you know of my recent diagnosis with breast cancer. I am feeling a little unsure of how I will get through this and still take care of my family, since that is my job.
Yesterday on a trip to the temple and IKEA with my mom and sister-in-law Courtney I was reminded of my first trip to IKEA by myself accompanied by my boys. Let me recap for you.
Parker was 2 and Preston was 4 months old. I really wanted to go to the zoo. Parker loves animals and so do I. IKEA is only a few exits away from the zoo exit and if I am in the area I might as well make use of the trip right?
Keep in mind that a 4 month old baby is still nursing every few hours and needs several diaper changes too. Parker was still in diapers at this point too . I brought my sling and stroller so that Parker could ride in the stroller and I could wear Preston. Just thinking about this makes me tired.
We made it to the zoo and I really enjoyed myself. It was a hot day and after pushing around the stroller, there are some big hills at the zoo, we were wiped out. Then it was time for our next adventure, IKEA. We left the zoo in the late afternoon, right about rush hour. I drove through rush hour traffic and then got on the belt way for more stop and go until we reached IKEA. All I remember is Preston crying and not being able to stop because there was so much traffic. When we finally got there Parker was asleep and I attempted to shop pushing a toddler, wearing a baby and some how holding my "stuff."
As I pondered this, I thought "What was I thinking?" And I can't believe I did this. To me this is an accomplishment. Knowing what I know now, I don't know that I would have attempted this again. We didn't get back to my folks until 11pm.
If I can handle a day of traveling with a crying baby, and toddler complete with a trip to the zoo followed by going to IKEA maybe I can figure out how to get through this cancer experience. For now this is my motivation that I CAN do this. I am going to print this picture as a reminder of this day.