So imagine my surprise when I ask Parker to say the blessing and he begins reciting
God is Good, God is Great.
Let us thank him for our food.
By his hands we are fed,
Let us thank him for our daily bread.
And to top it off, Preston now recites God is Good, God is Great right along with Parker.
The surprise has even been better when we visited my folks and my siblings look at me, and I say that is how the Presbyterian's bless the food.
So maybe I haven't done the best at setting the example for the order of prayer in our home. We try to bless our food, sometimes the boys close their eyes and other times they are munching away. One time while Parker was blessing the food, Preston was chowing down and Parker had to take a break in the middle of his short prayer for a drink. You gotta love kids.
We are taught that prayers should come from the heart and to stay away from a "memorized prayer." One that my parents used was
Dear Heavenly Father
Thank you for this day.
Bless this food for our good.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
To a kid this is kind of the same deal. The same words recited before eating, however in this case we are addressing Heavenly Father and closing in Jesus's name.
We have tried not to get real excited about the God is Good prayer. When Parker blesses the food, we offer 2 blessings on the food.
This picture is from the 2nd day of school, we were running late for a first day of school picture. On a side note, Parker loves school. He has a great teacher and it is a great group of kids there. I have made new friends with the mom's there.
That's awesome - at least you know he is learning something by memorizing the prayer. It's okay to learn from experience ;)The boys are getting so big and are cute as ever!
Andrew always says the same prayer over the food too. It's his own creation and never varies: "Dear Heavenly Father, please bless FOR we can go to church today, and please bless the food and thank you for it, in the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN!"
It's not the most reverent thing and I'm not sure where the "go to church" fetish came from, but it always makes me smile.
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