December 11, 2009

Halloween 2009

I have new things I want to blog about, but feel the need to go in chronological order. So here is Halloween. The Goodwill carries new costumes and when Parker saw the fireman outfit this is what he wanted. They did not have Preston's size. Preston and I went shopping another time and Preston kept talking about the fireman, so we utilized Parker's rain coat. We had the hat from a recent birthday party and they both have fireman boots for the barn and rainy days. So there you go.
This is Parker taking a picture of Preston and I. I started on this costume the year Parker dressed up as a lion, 2 years ago, but didn't get it finished. Last year I tried to get to done, but ran out of time. So 2 years later Dorothy was finished.
This was the group shot before we headed out to our first house. It was unseasonably warm so I was fine in my short sleeves. Preston was tired and I ended up carrying the firefighter most of the way. We walk to a few houses on our road and then a little road behind our house. We drive to some of our friends from the Fire Dept.

As Parker was going from house to house he said something like "this is my favorite holiday" "I love trick or treating."

Someone called me Goldilocks. That made me smile.

I have to include Parker's preschool party too.

We dropped the kids of at the upstairs and the moms went downstairs to decorate for the party. There were some fun decorations that we put up. Preston loved being part of this. I tried to get him to stand by the great pumpkin, but no luck.

Notice the mural on the wall? It was so cute. The black box had flashing lights inside and the kids had so much fun crawling through it.

I think the idea is to crop the extra stuff around the photo, so it looks like you are posing with the characters. I didn't have time to crop it.

The group had some good costumes:) lion, ghost, fireman, princess, bee, butterfly, mermaid and my favorite the giant m& ms.

The string on the donut game. Notice Parker was done first as he is exiting the picture.Preston on the other hand loved this game and cleaned up all the left overs.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I like your dorthy costume, and the boys look very cute in their fireman outfits.