If you ever read any vacation brochures they will mention Punxsutawney, the home of Punxsutawney Phil. He is the famous ground hog that makes his appearance each February to forecast how quickly spring will arrive. I have always wanted to go see where this famous ground hog lives and since it is only 2 hours from my house, I decided to take a day trip and go.
Jim was not interested in visiting a rodent, even if he was famous. So the boys and I loaded up for an adventure. It was a 2 hour trip one way through windy, mountainous roads. I don't know what I was expecting, but was left disappointed.
There were various ground hog statues around town. That was fun to see a ground hog dressed in different costumes. The local library claimed to be home of the phil, we looked and looked and never saw anything moving in his glass enlcosed cage. They did have an M & M character that the boys loved. They were a little disappointed that there were no M & Ms to be dispensed.
We went to Gobbler's Knob where Phil makes his appearance in Feb. All that was there was a stage and a sign. Oh well we could now say that we visited.
We finished off the trip with lunch at Lilly's. The boys have a cousin name Lilly and I thought they would get a kick out of that.
I can check it off my list, but I don't think I will be going back to Punxsutawney anytime soon.
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