As the summer was drawing near to an end, I had Rebecca, my sister save a date for us on her social calender so we could spend some time with her before she ventured off to BYU-Provo for school.
We decided to meet in Bedford, an almost half-way point and go roller skating. I had not been since my single days (at least 12 years ago). My boys had never been, but expressed interest.
Once we got in and got our skates on, the real fun began. We made a loop around the rink. Each of us split up and took one of the boys. Wow, I had forgotten how to do that. It was a lot of hard work trying to stay up and balance and keep a little one up too. I was ready to call it a night, but my boys were eager to keep trying. We had them tighten up Parker's wheels a little bit. We took turns going out with him. Preston took off my himself. He was a little trooper.
The evening ended with ice cream.
I was so sore the next few days. I could see where roller skating could really tone your inner thighs. I am sure I will have the chance to go again, as my boys will most likely want to try again.
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