February 09, 2011

The First Day of School

The day that your child is born, school is looming in the future at some point down the road. It is a right of passage for both the child and the mom. We kept pushing this day off for as long as we could. But time kept on going and the day finally arrived that I now have a kindergartner.

The process started in the spring when we had to register and Parker was tested to have some idea of where to place him in the classroom.

We attended orientation a few days before school where we got to meet the teacher, take a bus ride, tour the cafeteria and get a little information on how this all works.

We went shopping for a lunch box and I found a thermos for a good buy at Lands End. I showed Preston where the bus stop was so that if he woke up, he would know where to find me. We were ready, for the most part. I found myself calling neighbors to ask questions the night before that weren't covered in orientation.

The big day came and we documented it with pictures, the way my mother did. One in front of the door and one in front of the bus.
Parker started a new tradition with preschool, where he takes my picture.

This school stuff was new to me. We wait at a bus stop with other kids, where as when I did it, it was just the end of the driveway. Now there is someone to chat with and pass the time. Most of the other kids have their folks drive them, we walk. It is about 250 ft.

Yes Preston has a cooler with him. He insisted on packing it with toys and taking it to the bus stop. Of course I ended up carrying it back.

On the first day of school it is a tradition to have the parents walk to the kids to their classroom. I had planned on doing this. We walked down to the bus and took our pictures and he got on. At this point Preston starts crying, that is all it took to start my own tears. My little guy was going to kindergarten. He was no longer home with me for me to protect him from the world.

Preston and I went back to the house. I used the bathroom and then got in the car. Well on the way in I got stuck behind bus traffic and other school traffic. I started to panic. Would I miss him getting off the bus? He was expecting me to come, I didn't want to let him down. After what seemed to be forever I finally got to the school and went in. I did not see Parker's bus out front. I went down to his class room to check on him. He was already there. He barely even waved to me. I felt so sad and unneeded and that I had let him down. I started crying as we exited the school. I ended up sitting in my car and crying for awhile.

Later on I learned that a friend from preschool showed up and saw Parker waiting for me. They offered to take him to his class. After school Parker asked where I was and I told him I tried to be on time, but I got stuck in traffic. One day when we overslept and I was giving him a ride to school he noticed the traffic and remarked about it. I think he then understood why I wasn't there to greet him when he got off the bus at school. Next year I will know to park at the bus stop and leave immediately.

When I went to get him off the bus he was all smiles. It was a good day for Parker with his first day of school.

The next day Preston insisted on wearing a back pack and carrying a lunch box just like big brother to the bus stop.

February 07, 2011

A visit to Punxsutawney Phil

If you ever read any vacation brochures they will mention Punxsutawney, the home of Punxsutawney Phil. He is the famous ground hog that makes his appearance each February to forecast how quickly spring will arrive. I have always wanted to go see where this famous ground hog lives and since it is only 2 hours from my house, I decided to take a day trip and go.

Jim was not interested in visiting a rodent, even if he was famous. So the boys and I loaded up for an adventure. It was a 2 hour trip one way through windy, mountainous roads. I don't know what I was expecting, but was left disappointed.

There were various ground hog statues around town. That was fun to see a ground hog dressed in different costumes. The local library claimed to be home of the phil, we looked and looked and never saw anything moving in his glass enlcosed cage. They did have an M & M character that the boys loved. They were a little disappointed that there were no M & Ms to be dispensed.

We went to Gobbler's Knob where Phil makes his appearance in Feb. All that was there was a stage and a sign. Oh well we could now say that we visited.

We finished off the trip with lunch at Lilly's. The boys have a cousin name Lilly and I thought they would get a kick out of that.

I can check it off my list, but I don't think I will be going back to Punxsutawney anytime soon.

Roller skating with Rebecca

As the summer was drawing near to an end, I had Rebecca, my sister save a date for us on her social calender so we could spend some time with her before she ventured off to BYU-Provo for school.

We decided to meet in Bedford, an almost half-way point and go roller skating. I had not been since my single days (at least 12 years ago). My boys had never been, but expressed interest.

Once we got in and got our skates on, the real fun began. We made a loop around the rink. Each of us split up and took one of the boys. Wow, I had forgotten how to do that. It was a lot of hard work trying to stay up and balance and keep a little one up too. I was ready to call it a night, but my boys were eager to keep trying. We had them tighten up Parker's wheels a little bit. We took turns going out with him. Preston took off my himself. He was a little trooper.

The evening ended with ice cream.

I was so sore the next few days. I could see where roller skating could really tone your inner thighs. I am sure I will have the chance to go again, as my boys will most likely want to try again.