I had always read in the County paper about the Sweetheart Ball that the local Sorority sponsors each year. My folks had went a few times. Jim and I love to dance so we gave it a try in 2009. This year we were 2nd timers.
The Sorority selects a group or organization to raise money for their cause. Money is raised from meal tickets, silent auction items, a 50/50 and a live auction as well. This year's benefactor was the Home Nursing Agency.
It gives us a chance to have a date, get dressed up and do a little dancing. They have yummy desserts (the Sorority brings the desserts, so homemade), the main course is Legion food. It could definitely be improved upon.
I bought my ticket off a friend from church, but she didn't go to the event so we got situated at the extra table. There were 8 to a table and 4 people had reserved seats, but 6 of the extras showed up early. So when they showed up at the last minute there seats were taken. That is what you get for being late. They were reassigned different seats. Anyhow we sat with some fun people. The retired game commissioner who had us splitting our sides with laughter with some great stories.
I won the kitty treats in the silent auction and some peanut butter fudge for my dad. We didn't want to come home empty handed. Earlier in the day I had mentioned wanting to try snow skiing, but was intimiated by the cost. Well there were some tickets for snow skiing and lessons being auctioned off and Jim bid on them. I guess we will be giving snow skiing a try after all. We didn't make it this season, but the tickets are still good for next year.
They have a photographer on site and we were able to get a good picture of just the 2 of us. They played a little country music and we able to 2 step. We love doing that, but there just isn't much opportunity to do that here in PA.
It was a very enjoyable evening and we look forward to next year.
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