In our ward teachers are asked to find their own substitute when they will not be at church. Parker's teacher asked me to fill in one Sunday and so I took my turn. I prepared the lesson and brought an object lesson.
We have church in the afternoon and these kids are accustomed to getting a snack. No one pointed this out to me, so I show up empty ended as far as a snack goes. The lesson was on water and the object lesson was to let them drink some water. Parker's class is combined with the Sunbeams, so I can understand the need for a snack in the afternoon.
Now if any of you have taught primary recently, the lesson portion is actually quite brief and to the point. And with 3 and 4 year olds there really isn't much discussion to be had. I was relieved to find out that they were permitted to play with toys after the lesson.
I was the only teacher that day. What do I do when someone needs to use the restroom? I quickly left the room with the child in need and found my husband in the hall class. I sent him on the errand to find someone in primary to take care of the need.
Then I had a child that has ADD. He thought he should be the center of attention and kept talking real loud. I warned him that if he could not be quiet, I would put him in time out. Well that seemed to send him over the edge.
It kind of stressed me out to fill in for my son's class.
So when the sweet sister that visit teaches me, called and asked my husband and I to tag team teach her class of 6 year olds, we said sure we will help out. On the way to church Jim informs me that we have the Liechty twins. I joke that he should have warned me, so I could at least have a Diet Pepsi for the way home. Jim joked that I should have brought my caffeinated beverage to class and that would be sure to guarantee us to NOT be asked back for primary.
Jane Liechty is my friend, but she has her hands full with these boys. They definitely keep her on her toes. Her boys are the ones who used to kick the pews at church and we would secretly roll our eyes at how annoying it was. Now we have boys of our own and we understand better.
We get to class and are asked "where is the snack?" Um, no one informed us to bring a snack. These guys a little older. Jim wanted me to get out Pumpernickel pretzels from the car, but 1. I knew they would devour them, leaving no snack for our boys on the 30 minute ride home from school and 2. one boy has severe food allergies, (milk, eggs, and nuts) to name a few. I couldn't remember everything, but didn't want to chance a reaction. So no snack.
The one twin would not sit still. Jim's job was the teach the lesson and I was there for crowd control. I went over the primary room and asked for help. She sent me back with paper and crayons and instructed to let them draw while Jim taught the lesson. She also sent me with BINGO. Once again we made it through the lesson pretty quickly. Had the boys tell us about their drawings and played BINGO 27 times or until we were tired of it. Jim ended class with a game of Hangman.
We both left feeling very frazzled. Jim said never again. But I have been pondering this. We are asked to serve and help out. Some loving and patient sisters give up adult interaction, learning in Sunday School and Relief Society to teach my child. Is it my job to take a turn and help out even though it stresses me out? Should I try to to find something to learn in this experience, besides I know that I would never have survived in elementary education? I don't have the answers and am just enjoying Sunday school and relief society at this point. I am also more appreciative for those wonderful sisters who do work in primary and still have a smile on their face after wards.
There is always something going on at our house and always something that needs to be done. Having small boys makes for life to be exciting and there is "Never a dull moment" at our house.
April 11, 2010
The Big Boy Bed

Preston was getting to the point where he wanted someone to lay by him at night time. Over President's Day weekend we saw a an advertisement for a mattress sale and that is all it took. We dropped Parker off at school and went and bought a new mattress complete with new sheets and mattress pad for Preston.
We bought him Cars sheets, and thank goodness they had a new design out so we could tell the difference between his and Parker's car sheets. Although Parker keeps asking to have Preston's sheets put on his bed.
Jim came up with this great way of setting up the beds. This actually allows one parent to lay by both boys if they wanted to. We lay on a diagonal and one gets our feet and the other our head. Usually you can reach them both with your arms.
Preston was very excited to have his own bed. He is the laid back one and will often just get in and cover himself up and fall asleep with out much effort.
They were so excited to have the new bed, they practice reading stories before bedtime.

April 04, 2010
Valentine's Day 2010

I had always read in the County paper about the Sweetheart Ball that the local Sorority sponsors each year. My folks had went a few times. Jim and I love to dance so we gave it a try in 2009. This year we were 2nd timers.
The Sorority selects a group or organization to raise money for their cause. Money is raised from meal tickets, silent auction items, a 50/50 and a live auction as well. This year's benefactor was the Home Nursing Agency.
It gives us a chance to have a date, get dressed up and do a little dancing. They have yummy desserts (the Sorority brings the desserts, so homemade), the main course is Legion food. It could definitely be improved upon.
I bought my ticket off a friend from church, but she didn't go to the event so we got situated at the extra table. There were 8 to a table and 4 people had reserved seats, but 6 of the extras showed up early. So when they showed up at the last minute there seats were taken. That is what you get for being late. They were reassigned different seats. Anyhow we sat with some fun people. The retired game commissioner who had us splitting our sides with laughter with some great stories.
I won the kitty treats in the silent auction and some peanut butter fudge for my dad. We didn't want to come home empty handed. Earlier in the day I had mentioned wanting to try snow skiing, but was intimiated by the cost. Well there were some tickets for snow skiing and lessons being auctioned off and Jim bid on them. I guess we will be giving snow skiing a try after all. We didn't make it this season, but the tickets are still good for next year.
They have a photographer on site and we were able to get a good picture of just the 2 of us. They played a little country music and we able to 2 step. We love doing that, but there just isn't much opportunity to do that here in PA.
It was a very enjoyable evening and we look forward to next year.
A Non superbowl party

I know I am still 2 months behind, but still feel the need to go in Chronological order.
Many people watch and get involved with the Super bowl. We are not football fans, but wanted an excuse to have bean dip and have some friends over the evening. So we decided the Superbowl for the perfect excuse for a little gathering.
We invited about 6 friends and their families. 1 family showed up. Those are the same odds that I tell my hosts about for Pampered Chef shows. 1 in 4 will be able to attend. We still had a great time, eating yummy food and playing games. The kids decorated cupcakes and Jim decorated a cake. I forgot to take a picture of that.

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