April 04, 2009

Making homemade ice cream

Growing up on a dairy farm I have fond memories of making homemade ice cream. We would usually do this on Sunday afternoons, when life would slow down for a short while. We would sit around eating our ice cream and enjoying one another's company. My Pappy would eat the dasher (beater) and sometimes share with my brothers. Now that job has been passed onto my dad to clean the dasher.

My parents have a hand crank that they swear by, a white mountain. We have an electric Rival. It was in our price range and was easy to find. We bought it with some of our wedding money, 11 years ago and it still works great for us.

A few weeks ago I was craving homemade ice cream, so I got the ingredients and we made ice cream. Only my cream was sour, so we made ice milk I guess. Jim had used the remainder of the rock salt on the driveway this winter. Thank goodness for food storage. I had a #10 can full of table salt.

Both boys were fascinated by the machine and wanted to help. Parker liiked having the ice cubes to suck on and he dumped the ice. Preston stirred the brine mixture. In the end we had ripples. It didn't have much flavor since we only had whole milk and 2% milk and plain vanilla.

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