The Cub Scouts meet just down the road at the Warriors Mark United Methodist Church. One night Jim came home and asked Parker if he wanted to join the Boy Scouts. He told Parker that they would do fun crafts and learn skills. I was a little leery that it was just one more thing for me to do, one more place for me to have to run to. Jim took responsibility of helping Parker and going with him. Preston even tags along and can't wait until he is old enough to join the tiger scouts next year.
I don't know what is considered the normal rate of advancements in the cub scouts. Parker has already received his Bobcat and Wolfe Badges. He joined last September.
Parker has a great leader that has been in scouting for the last 30 years, so you know that he has a love for the scouting program.
Parker enjoys going to scouts every week. And some of those "crafts" that they have made have been more than just cutting paper and gluing it together. They made picture frames out of wood, marshmallow shooters, leather flash light holders and a wooden basketball game type of thing that had a back board and a ball that you tried to shoot into the hoop. Sounds pretty awesome to me.
We had the Blue and Gold Banquet 2 weeks ago. I have attended these banquets in the past, but this was the 1st time that my son was participating. It was wonderful to see everyone in their uniforms, especially the older boy scouts with their collection of badges.
Speaking of badges, I had made the decision that I was going to iron on the badges instead of hand sewing them. The fabric is so thick that it really hurts my hands to try and work the needle through the patches. Being the quilting and sewing person that I am, I had some heat and bond that I thought would do the job. I cut the bonding material and then ironed on the patches. Well half way dinner I could see the patches were not adhering as well as I would have liked them to stick. I will have to find another way of securing the badges to his shirt. Here are some pictures from the evening.
Don't these 2 look they could pass as brothers or cousins?
Everything in scouts is family oriented, so the whole family is involved when they get a new badge.