One of the workers asked me if I was still fostering. I mentioned that I didn't have anyone right now, but that I could. She then walks me back to the infirmery room, with a note on door "Do Not enter." She tells me that tomorrow is the day that they euthanize the animals. A lady had dropped off her Mama kitty and 7 kittens. If I didn't take them they would be put down. Nothing a like a little pressure to pull the heart strings.
Jim has given me strict instructions that I need to ask his permission before bringing any more animals home. I stepped outside to call him. When I told him the story, he agreed that we could save this family of cats. Later on he admitted that he thought I said "some kittens" and not "7 kittens."
At the time that I agreed to do this, I was feeling very overwhelmed with my own life. I could barely keep clean clothes on my kids and have room in my kitchen to make them food. I did not need 10 cats in my house to take care of. I have 2 cats, but they require very little work. They are old and indoor/outdoor. I put food in their dish every morning and maybe scoop the litter boxes once a month. I have a hard time saying no.
We got off to a rocky start. Mama kitty wanted nothing to do with her babies. She would not nurse them. In desperation we laid her down and tried to soothe her, laying 1 kitten at a time on her. She would hiss and growl at them. At the same time she would occasionally groom them. I was concerned that nursing was hurting her. So I called the shelter and they told me to bring her back in. When I asked if they could look at the mama, they sent me next door to the vet's office. I went over and waited my turn. When a technician came out, she took one look at the kittens and said that Mama kitty was weaning them. Her nipples were sore and she was done with the whole nursing thing. Ok this made sense to me. She also told me that the kittens were not appearing to be starving and to feed them wet food a few times a day.
We returned home and let Mama kitty do her thing, hiss and keep her distance from her babies. It appeared that she was done with the nursing so we separated Mama and put her in the bathroom. The kittens remained in the cage. Mama was making herself quite at home, escaping every time the bathroom door opened, laying on my bed, the couch, exploring the basement and trying to get outside. I took Mama back to the shelter this past week.
Now there are only 9 cats in my house. The kittens are starting to get plump. We have 1 that still manages to get out of his cage. I think he is just lonely. He often follows me around, sits on my lamp and keeps me company.
The kittens go back to the shelter this week for their first set of shots, then we have them 2 more weeks and then they are old enough to be adopted.
I have decided no more fostering for awhile. I even plan on returning the cage, food and supplies. I need to get in control of my own life.
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