So my Mom is from Ut and it is a big deal to have and hold family reunions. This past year it was (her turn). What this means is that the reunion planning takes turns among the siblings of her parents. She and her sisters planned the reunion. My Mom wanted all of her family to attend since they had a little more control over where and when it would be held.
I really considered going with my 2 boys, but I have a great fear of flying. I get panic attacks just thinking about it. I have discovered drugs for these attacks, but flying would really put it to the test. When I realized it would cost about $1000 for the 3 of us to fly and the thought of backing out because I was having an attack. That was more money than I was willing to risk losing. My Mom loves my boys, but I don't think she would have taken them alone for 10 days with out me all the way to Ut. So that would have been 3 backouts on the flight.
My fear of flying could be a whole other post. If you really want to know let me know.
So I came up with a suggestion. Send my dad and I will help Lee milk the cows and hold down the farm.
So I moved in for a long weekend and played the part of farmer Jane.
I soon realized why our farming ancestors were able to eat bacon, meat and potatoes. They worked it off. I was assigned to feed the dry calves. I hope I have my terminology correct. These are the calves that no longer drink milk. Instead they eat chop and hay. I had carry their feed to them. The truck would only get so close to the trough. And bedding them really worked up a sweat. I lost 2 pounds that week;)
The boys just tagged along with me. They thought it was great. Uncle Lee was our boss. We checked in with him after breakfast and got our assignment. Then we made lunch, hung out for part of the afternoon and then went back to do evening chores. It was a lot of fun.
We also helped with the bottle calves too. My boys jumped right in to help.
Riding the back of the truck was definetly a highlight for the boys.
And these were my surroundings as I was lugging heavy bags of feed and making sure everyone had water to drink. To me it is a little bit of heaven on earth. Maybe I am biased because this is where I grew up and this is what I call home.
1 comment:
You sure missed a great reunion.
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