May 03, 2010

What's for Breakfast Parker?

So if you didn't already know, I am not a morning person. I sleep as late as possible in the mornings and most of the time I don't get out of bed until my boys are out of bed. Sometimes they will come into my bed and I will fall back asleep. It is these times that I wake up to interesting things.

So one morning I awoke to find Parker into the Diet Pepsi (it was a 2 liter, at least it was Caffeine free) and cool whip. He was at least sharing with Preston.

I have the hardest time keeping Cool whip in the Fridge. I don't mind giving him a dish of cool whip, preferably in the afternoon or evening after nutritious food has been consumed. The same with a little soda. But first thing for breakfast.

The other day I bought some Cool whip and my friend mentions, well you breakfast covered for Parker.

My Cool whip is now hidden behind some old pasta.

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