May 27, 2010


I have been pondering this for quite some time. What makes a child cute? My grandma pointed out that most times we are drawn to the kittens over the cats. There just seems to be something about people and animals in their smaller stages.

Preston is still at the cute stage. I am unsure when they outgrew cuteness and become whatever the next stage is, busy, wild or inquisitive perhaps? Maybe it has to do with talking. He talks and is still learning, so his expressions are smaller and you really have to listen to understand.

Perhaps it happens when they lose that smooth baby skin. The same skin that gets really dirty playing outside.

Maybe it is the texture of their hair, you know that really soft hair that babies have. When it changes to something more course. Does the haircut make a difference? When they have a grown up hair cut does this take away from cuteness?

And I couldn't forget baby feet. Does this have something to do with walking and running? I think the shape of their feet changes as they become more mobile.

What about nakedness? A little kid is cute naked, but a grown up is considered indecent exposure.

So what do you think makes something cute?

May 21, 2010

A quilt show

I get a quilting magaizine and inside there were advertisements for quilt shows. I decided that this was something I wanted to do. They were having one in Lancaster, which is only a few hours from here so I decided to go. I invited my friend Lora to go with me. We had a great time together.

I have been to Lancaster before, but what I saw was the all the shopping and touristy type places. This particular show was in downtown Lancaster, complete with One way streets and tall buildings. I had no idea there even was this kind of place in Lancaster.

We went on a Saturday, because this was not something I wanted to take my boys to and it is much easier to find a sitter on a Saturday than during the week. It was quite busy. People everywhere you went. I am not much for crowds and this made me even more unlikely to linger. They also had vendors there. We were not prepared to really purchase anything, but they had some awesome demonstrations going on. You could try a long arm quilting machine. We watched a new way to mark your quilts and the magic of 007 to mend holes in clothing.

The quilts were unlike anything I had seen before. I have been to much smaller local area quilting shows. These quilts displayed were a work of art. Many of them were a picture that was done in a quilt. There was even an LDS quilt, this I know because it quoted the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants.

I plan on putting this on my calendar and returning next year.

On the way home we stopped at Chocolate World in Hershey. We took the tour on how they make candy. We arrived 10 minutes before closing, so unfortunately we did not have time to shop the store. We decided that was ok, since Lora is a diabetic and I still attend Weight Watchers.

May 03, 2010

What's for Breakfast Parker?

So if you didn't already know, I am not a morning person. I sleep as late as possible in the mornings and most of the time I don't get out of bed until my boys are out of bed. Sometimes they will come into my bed and I will fall back asleep. It is these times that I wake up to interesting things.

So one morning I awoke to find Parker into the Diet Pepsi (it was a 2 liter, at least it was Caffeine free) and cool whip. He was at least sharing with Preston.

I have the hardest time keeping Cool whip in the Fridge. I don't mind giving him a dish of cool whip, preferably in the afternoon or evening after nutritious food has been consumed. The same with a little soda. But first thing for breakfast.

The other day I bought some Cool whip and my friend mentions, well you breakfast covered for Parker.

My Cool whip is now hidden behind some old pasta.