August 30, 2009

Fashion $ense

Thursday evening we had an Enrichment on Shopping for clothing on a budget. We played a game "Name that price." Several outfits were on display with what the original cost would have been, but none of them were purchased at full price. Then we had to match up the price tags with the outfit. Claudia, was our teacher and she stumped the group. Thinking I might be able to use my fashion sense from earlier days, She called on me and paid me a compliment that made my day. She said "For those of you that don't know, Emily used to be quite the fashion statement in the day." Then I chimed in before I became a mom.

Anyway this made me feel so good that someone else thought I had it together on the fashion part of my life. This caused me to reflect a little about my fashion statement or lack of during my life. So as she called on me I was wearing my brown linen skirt that I bought at Old Navy pre-Parker. So it has to be at least 5 years old. The shirt I have worn this night is a coral polo that I bought shortly after Parker was born, so it is 4 years old. So much for a fashion statement. When I was dressing for the evening I needed something light weight, it was weigh in night and coral goes well with brown.

There was a time in my life when I had more clothes, more time to shop for my clothes, more money to spend on clothes and certainly more time to put outfits together. I reflected how my sister, Rebecca just returned to BYU-Provo and packed up her Nissan Sentra full of her clothes. I imagine her car was packed pretty full for her one person. She even left a drawer behind. I too when I was in college had tons of clothes. I think I could fit all my clothes that I wear now into 1 large suitcase at this point in my life. Now if I had to pack up my kitchen, that is a different story. Bring on the truck and trailer.

When I was working, clothes were important. I was representing my company. I needed to look nice. I liked to shop and had extra money to spend. I think at one point I could go an entire month without wearing the same thing twice (well shirts at least).

Since becoming a mom I just don't have the time to keep my nails painted. I changed sizes in the process and have cleaned out the majority of my clothes. I tend to wear my clothes, wash them and wear them again. I am fine with this. I have also learned to downsize, because when you have to pack several outfit changes for your kids plus diapers there isn't a whole lot of room left for my clothes anyway.

Do I still like to shop? Yes.
Would I like several closets full of clothes again? Probably not.
Would I like some more fashionable clothes? Definitely. I told myself once I reach my goal weight I can go shopping and get some newer stuff.

Of course when you dress kind of conservatively and keep with classic styles like dockers and polos. They really don't go out of style.

There you have my thoughts on fashion.

1 comment:

PennStateMama said...

I think you looked great on Thursday! And, being able to wear clothes from before Parker was born is a big deal! Good for you. Are you currently doing weight watchers? Do you like it? I think you look great- keep up the good work.