So this morning as I was cleaning up the boys room and seeing the mountains of dirty laundry around I remembered something the
Flylady had mentioned about getting caught up on laundry. She suggested taking all your clothes to the laundromat and getting them done all at once. I thought ok maybe it is worth a few hours at the laundromat and some quarters to get ahead of the laundry game.
I gather up all the dirty laundry including rugs and some blankets and left feeling like I would come home with 5 baskets/hampers full of folded and clean clothes just needing to be put away. I took the truck because I didn't know how I fit all these dirty clothes in the car along with the boys. I packed some books and toy cars for the boys and we were off to the laundromat in Tyrone.
This was sure a different experience from my college days when maybe I had a light colored load and a dark color load. I would get my laundry started and then watch tv, study or write a letter.
I get the the laundromat and unload the boys and all 5 hampers/baskets of laundry. They boys are running around in and out of the doors the whole time. Then I go to the change machine to get quarters. I started out with $15. This was all the cash I had on me. So we start loading machines. Parker helps with the front loaders and even liked putting in the money. Now he wants to empty his piggy bank to feed the washers. Part way through this Parker tells me he has to poop. I tell him to hold on until I get the clothes started washing.
We look for the bathroom and there is none. So I load up the boys and head to Sheetz. We go in and Parker tries, but is unsuccessful.
Then we head to the bank to get more quarters and suckers for the boys.
Parker is making faces so we head into Subway to use the restroom. Parker is successful. Yay I think now we can go back and get the rest of the clothes washed and the others started drying. First though I buy a bag of chips because the restroom has a sign for customers only so that I don't feel guilty.
We get the rest of the clothes washing and get the others started drying. Parker tells me he has to poop again. So we head outside and cross the street to an insurance office. The lady was really nice and let us use the bathroom. She even offered more suckers and coloring books for the boys. Parker has no bowel movement, he only peed.
We return to the laundry mat and I am checking dryers and Parker tells me needs to poop again. I remind him that we just used the potty and I couldn't go back and ask to use the restroom again. I tell him to wait a few more minutes while I doing laundry.
When I get to a stopping point Parker had had an accident. We went next door to the plumbing shop (the guys were there) and asked to use their bathroom. I cleaned him up and decided we were leaving no matter what state our clothes were in before Parker needed a bathroom again.
So I came home with 5 baskets/hampers of damp clothes. They are lined up to be dried in my drier. All of this cost me $25. I can defenitely wash and dry my clothes for less than that at home. As I write this half of the laundry is done. I never had time to sit down and read to the boys. Did I mention the laundry mat had small machines? I did 4 loads of upright machines, and 5 front loading machines.
I don't know if it was worth it or not.