I have always wanted to have a Halloween Party. I think the kid in me still likes getting dressed up. We invited our friends to a costume party. It was a lot of fun preparing for it and I sure a fun time that evening. We had some great costumes.

Tigger and a Mac. Stormi is my friend that lives in Stormstown. She also has a son named Parker who is also 3, like our Parker. Rick is a computer guy and he dressed up as a Mac. They are one of the closest friends we have from church, about 15 minutes away.

The "Miss Quito" and the guy who had been bitten by the misquito. I thought this was so clever. It took Jim a while to get it. Jami and I have worked together in Relief Society through the Enrichment committee and also Visiting Teaching. John has worked with Jim through the Elder's quorum

The campfire and the camper. Chad was originally going to be the campfire, but was concerned that people might mistake him for the man on fire. The costume was complete with flickering flame. Another unique idea. I know Nikki through Craft night and working with her in Young Women's. She is also a mother of boys about the same ages of my boys.

The peanut butter and jelly sandwich. This is so cute. Jordan and I often found in the hallway class during church because our babies won't still. Matt serves in the Bishopric over Young Women's.

The Proton and neutron. Very fitting for the physics guy! Terri has actually been in State College longer than I have. I was her visiting teacher in the beginning and then she was my visiting teacher for 4 years. They will be relocating soon, as Carl her husband has taken a job in the DC area.

Us, the happy host and hostess. We were supposed to dress up as Dorothy and the scarecrow, but being a busy mom and trying to get ready for the party, I was still sewing at 1 pm on the day of the party. There was too much going on to get my new Dorothy costume finished, so we recycled one from a previous year. The flapper and the gangster as I call it.

The whole group. We played games and ate yummy food and had time to visit. It was so much fun. I made a pumpkin cheesecake. We had the chicken club from Pampered chef and apples and dip along with candy to munch on.
What fun pictures! I think that the campfire and camper are particularly attractive! Thank you for hosting the party. We all had a lot of fun! Delicious food, fun friends, great games, and a babysitter watching the kids- what could be better than that?
I loved the pictures of everyone's costumes. What great ideas!
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