I recieved a post card in the mail announcing some fun Sat afternoon activities at our local garden center. They were offering barrel rides and a corn maze. I thought this would be something the boys would enjoy. We kind of had a lazy Sat, so by the time I was ready to go it was time to feed the troops and then Preston would probably fall asleep on the way and miss the fun. So Jim was willing to stay home while Preston napped.
The garden center is located 5 minutes from the Rail to Trail so we took our bikes along for a ride. We arrived to find the parking lot full and found a spot close to the barrel rides. Parker was very excited. We waited for a driver, who didn't appear to be much older than 10.

Parker wanted to ride again, but I least wanted to walk around and look at the plants and did not want to wait for him to finish the ride.

After the barrel ride we ventured over to the Corn maze.

The maze was not laid out the best. At some points we were walking betweens rows of corn, we had seen leaves on the ground and assumed this was the trail. The corn was pretty tall. Parker took a picture of me and you can see the ears are above my shoulder.

We ended up getting lost, so when we got close to the end we just made our own exit, not on the normal path. It was real muddy in the corn field and I had mud caked on my sneakers and my pants were muddy from Parker running into me.
Our next stop was the restroom. I asked Parker to hold my camera and the following are the pictures that our budding photographer took.

Parker's foot.

The fish pond. This is on my wish list.

We were walking along and he says giggling "Mom I just took a picture of your bottom." Actually he had a much closer picture, but I wasn't ready to post that for all my friends to see.

Some nice black eyed susans. I would like some of these, but not sure where I would put them.

The fish pond. The boys love to look at the fish. They even like to go to Petco just to look at the fish. I am afraid to get a fish that one of my cats will think it is a snack.

A very nice waterfall. Can you see why I would want to browse and walk around?

I was able to use my own camera and take a few pictures of pumpkins. On the left these are Cinderalla pumpkins and an on the right Fairy tale pumpkins. I never knew there were so many different varieties of pumpkins.

Turkish Turban pumpkins.

And pumpkins that look like they have warts.
We ended our trip with a spur of the moment purchase a, Sour Cherry Tree!
We went bike riding and got some ice cream afterwards. Parker fell asleep on the way home. It was a fun afternoon.