So I think Parker is preparing to join a nudist colony. You can get away with this sort of thing when you are 3.
Today he peed in the grass at a friend's house, while there were other kids playing outside. The little 5 year old girl came into announce that Parker just went potty in the grass. This prompted a talk about peeing outside at other's houses. "It is ok to pee outside at our house, but when we are at someone else's house you should tell a grown up you need to pee."
We actually encouraged this a few months ago, because we were really anxious for him to potty train. Now that he has that mastered I guess we need to teach him about modesty.
Yesterday after his bath (and everyday for that matter) he has to do what I call the naked dance. After getting out of the tub he will run around the house with out any clothes on for as long as we will allow him to. I was occupied with something yesterday and he ran around for much longer than we usually allow. He ventured outside and was stacking my cucumbers that hadn't made it to the compost pile.
I would take a picture, but wouldn't be able to get it developed. If I could figure out photoshop, I could take the picture and then put something cute like a duck over the sensitive areas of the picture.